Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The privacy of our youth members is of utmost importance to Troop 442 and the Boy Scouts of America. It is our policy to never have unmonitored or unsupervised one-on-one contact between a youth member and an adult. Youth members contacting adults by telephone are advised to do so in the presence of others. Adults communicating with youth members via electronic means such as e-mail or social media are advised to include another adult, such as the youth’s parent or a registered adult leader, in the communication.

Boy Scouts of America has extensive practices in place to protect youth. Please visit the Youth Protection section of the BSA website for full information. Troop 442 observes and follows all BSA youth protection requirements and recommendations.

Troop 442 does not collect information directly from youth via this website. Personally-identifiable information for our youth members is obtained only from their parents or guardians. Youth members may, however, proactively register for one or more e-mail discussion and notification services operated by Troop 442. Discussion on these services is monitored for appropriate content. Information distributed by the troop or published on this website is in compliance with the Chidren’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

As the parent or guardians, you acknowledge and agree and give permission for photos and the first name of your Scout to be used freely for the Troop’s purposes, including a web gallery maintained under the domain, or any other legitimate purpose. In addition, you acknowledge and agree that, while efforts will be made to limit or prevent any information containing last names in connection with photos, some information might be indirectly made available as set forth above.

You also acknowledge and agree that, should a likeness of your Scout be used by Troop 442 or published in local newspapers or other media, no compensation shall be due and owing to you for the use of such likeness.

For further information

Inquiries regarding this privacy policy may be directed to the troop committee chairman using the Contact Us form on this website.