Scouts progress through a series of ranks in the program, gaining critical skills along the way and growing in self-reliance. Use the Scout Handbook as a reference for the requirements for each rank, or go to the Advancement and Awards Guide on the BSA website.
Rank Advancement
It is the Scout’s responsibility to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review when she has completed the requirements for rank advancement.
Scout Rank
A Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review are NOT required for this rank. The Scout should turn in a copy of these pages from their Scouts BSA Handbook to the scribes so that he can be recognized.
Scoutmaster Conference
The steps for a Scoutmaster Conference are as follows:
The Scout must have their Scouts BSA Handbook, show up on time and be prepared for the Scoutmaster conference. The Scout should bring their camping log and service hour log with them. These logs can be printed from ScoutBook. They should also bring copies of their leadership forms if leadership experience is required for their rank.
The Scoutmaster of the troop conducts all Star, Life and Eagle conferences. For other ranks, the Scoutmaster or ASM for the Scout’s Patrol will conduct the conference. The Scout should contact the Scoutmaster or Patrol ASM by email or in-person to schedule the meeting.
For the rank of Life and Eagle, the scout is required to wear a Class A uniform.
Board of Review
Once a Scout has completed their Scoutmaster Conference, the last step for advancement is completing a Board of Review. The steps for a Board of Review are as follows:
Sign up for a Board of Review
Bring their Scout BSA Handbook showing completion of all rank requirements.
Bring the following forms printed from Scoutbook:
Boy Scout Individual History Report
Service log
Camping log
Come dressed in full Class A uniform (sash, socks, belt, pants/shorts, etc).
Recognition for completion of rank will be made at the earliest troop meeting possible. Scouts are recognized again at a formal ceremony called Court of Honor. Families are encouraged to attend all Courts of Honor.
Adults needed for a Board of Review
When a Scout has completed all of the requirements for a rank, they must appear before a Board of Review (BOR).
All adults in the troop except for ASMs can participate in a Board of Review. A minimum of three (3) adults is needed for each BOR. Please remember adult participation is necessary for Scouts to advance.
To help Scouts get sign-offs and meet rank requirements to complete through First Class, Advancement Nights are usually held on a Monday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm at Christ Church. Check the Troop Calendar to confirm the date for Advancement Night this month.