Adult Training
All registered members of the Boy Scouts of America must complete mandatory online Youth Protection Training. The training is required to be retaken every two years from the last date you completed the course.
BSA offers many courses online for leaders, merit badge counselors, recruiters, and other positions to take courses including Youth Protection Training, Hazardous Weather, and training specific to your position that helps you understand how your position supports the Aims & Methods of Scouting. It's a great way to dip your toes in the water and start learning about how you can be a better Scouter.
Sam Houston Area Council offers the best and most comprehensive training available at the University of Scouting. This one-day event offers training for new and experienced leaders alike. Courses are available for all program levels, including Varsity, Venturing, and Sea Scouts. Everything you could possibly be interested in is offered: from Cub Scout Chemistry to Dutch Oven Cooking! This is an opportunity not to be missed.
Wood Badge is the pinnacle of adult leader training offered by the BSA. The course comprises six days of training, typically spread over two, three-day weekends, followed by participant application of the concepts learned through self-selected projects designed to benefit Scouting. Circle Ten Council is proud to offer four Wood Badge courses annually: winter, spring, summer (at Philmont Scout Ranch) and fall. If you haven’t been to Wood Badge, you’re missing out on something special.
Offered four times annually, this course is required for both adults and youth staffing either NYLT or Wood Badge, but is highly recommended for anyone involved in training. The course is co-ed, open to youth over 13 and adults, and is focused on enhancing presentation skills.
Looking for ideas to “spice-up” your program? Wanting to try new things to keep older Scouts engaged? Powder Horn is the answer! This co-ed course is open to adults and youth 16+ (accompanied by adult from their unit). Participants are
exposed to outdoor/high adventure activities, such as shooting sports, climbing, scuba, water sports, and horseback riding, just to name a few. Outside consultants from various fields explain what is entailed from a facility, equipment, training, and safety perspective. Better yet, participants have an opportunity to try out and sample these activities themselves (if they choose).
Here’s one more training resource available to all leaders: the Philmont Training Center. Each summer, PTC offers weeklong sessions on many Scouting topics. Best of all, PTC is family-oriented, so the whole family can enjoy a week in the mountains of New Mexico. Children are offered age-specific day programs, and there’s even a spouse option of daily activities. PTC is summer camp for the whole family, and a good time will be had by all. PROMISE! If you’re Wood Badge trained, you might also want to consider the Philmont Leadership Challenge, an extension of your Wood Badge experience in an outdoor, backcountry environment.