
New Scouts

Welcome to Troop 442! Whether you are advancing from Cub Scouts, transferring from another troop, or simply new to the Scouts BSA experience, we are pleased that you have decided to be part of our family. 

First steps

To officially join the troop, please ensure that the Scout has filled in/signed and submitted the following:

If you are transferring from another troop, fill out the youth online application.

At least one parent/guardian should also submit the following along with their Scout’s documents:

New Parent Guide

Ways to do this include serving on either the Troop Committee (which meets every 3rd Monday of the month while the girls have their Troop meeting) or acting in a supportive manner:

Scout Records

Our Troop uses ScoutBook to record the progress of all our Scouts.

Serving Scouts with Disabilities

Scouts with special needs and disabilities are welcome in our troop, and we ensure every scout has the opportunity to participate fully in our activities. More information can be found here: