New Scouts
Welcome to Troop 442! Whether you are advancing from Cub Scouts, transferring from another troop, or simply new to the Scouts BSA experience, we are pleased that you have decided to be part of our family.
First steps
To officially join the troop, please ensure that the Scout has filled in/signed and submitted the following:
If you are transferring from another troop, fill out the youth online application.
At least one parent/guardian should also submit the following along with their Scout’s documents:
Youth Protection Training completion certificate (required for all adult members)
New Parent Guide
Review the Youth Protection Handbook for Parent
The parents or guardian of each girl are required to be either a member of our Troop Committee (for those who want to be episodically active with us) or otherwise help 3 times per year with tasks like transportation and chaperoning. You must assure regular participation of your girl at our meetings, or she will fall behind in acquiring her Scouting skills. The BSA conducts a background check for registered Troop Committee Members and out Scoutmaster Staff.
Ways to do this include serving on either the Troop Committee (which meets every 3rd Monday of the month while the girls have their Troop meeting) or acting in a supportive manner:
Assure timely and regular attendance of their Scout (s) to Troop meetings.
Select one or more of the following:
Drive a group of Scouts to and from at least three camping trips per academic year. These locations are always within a two-hour drive of All Souls Episcopal Church.
Serve as a chaperone on at least two outdoor overnight outings during the academic year (must register as member of BSA and taken YPT).
Serve as a chaperone on at least three of our service projects or other day-only activities.
Serve as a registered Merit Badge Counselor for Scouts across the District (to occasionally provide specialized instruction on a particular hobby, profession sport or other endeavors to small groups of Scouts).
Serve as one of the organizers for any of our fund-raisers.
Troop meetings.
Scout Records
Our Troop uses ScoutBook to record the progress of all our Scouts.
If you are new to Scoutbook, an account will be created for you once you submit your application forms.
If you have an existing Scoutbook account from Cub Scouts or another Troop, please contact Rebeca at SBSA442@gmail.com for instructions on how to transfer and maintain your Scout’s records.
Serving Scouts with Disabilities
Scouts with special needs and disabilities are welcome in our troop, and we ensure every scout has the opportunity to participate fully in our activities. More information can be found here: