"Field Uniform / Class A"
For all Scout meetings, your scout will need a "Field Uniform", which is the khaki shirt, green pants, and socks. See info below. The troop will provide the troop numbers and our Troop 442 neckerchief. The Field Uniform is the formal uniform. When you hear "Activity Uniform / Class B" it means that you will wear the Troop 442 t-shirt and green pants.
You will need to buy a uniform for your scout at the "Scout Shop" and the scout shop staff can help you pick up all of the necessary parts in the right sizes and patches to make sure the uniform is complete.
(Here is a document that explains the uniform in a fun way - http://bsauniforms.org/boyscouts)
The Scout uniform has required parts that you will need to buy:
• Shirt. You will need to buy the official short (or long) sleeve tan button-up Scout BSA shirt
• Items for the shirt. You will need to buy two patches for the shirt & loops.
1) Sam Houston Area Council shoulder patch
2) World Crest patch
3) Green Scout BSA shoulder loops to put on shirt's shoulder epaulets. (Hint: don't buy the Venture green epaulets)
Troop will provide the number patches.
• Belt. Olive web with BSA insignia on brass buckle.
• Pants, Shorts, or Roll-Up Pants (Olive only) - They do have pants that are convertible with zippers to shorts and I highly recommend these! You can find these at the Scout Shop, but may be cheaper at Academy or Cabellas. NO JEANS!
• Socks. Official olive-colored socks. (Scout shop, Academy, or Cabellas)
• Neckwear. The troop wear a navy blue Troop 442 "neckerchief" so do NOT buy one at the Scout Shop.
• Scout Handbook - We recommend getting the spiral-bound one for durability and also the cloth cover to protect it. They will last a lot longer since they go on every camping trip. This is part of their uniform and should be brought to every meeting and camping trip.
• Merit Badge Sash & Sash Pin - there is a green merit badge sash that they will wear at Court of Honors and you put all of the merit badges on it. I also recommend the $3 sash pin to keep the sash from sliding off the shoulders all the time.
• Hat. Optional - there is no required hat for our troop. You will get a green Frog hat with your name on it.
"Activity Uniform / Class B"
Troop, Scout camp, or BSA t-shirts or sweatshirts. This shirt is our troop t-shirt and was designed by our scouts!
The cost for an additional t-shirt is $20
Appropriate pants or shorts (olive green/khakis).
“Activity Uniform” is shorthand for a Scouting-related t-shirt or Scouting-related polo shirt. Summer camp t-shirts, Troop t-shirts, high-adventure t-shirts, BSA polo shirts, etc. are all acceptable. T-shirts from a rock concert, with political slogans, or anything inappropriate to Scouting goals and ideals are not acceptable. “Activity Uniform” while not an actual Scout uniform, can be worn at certain activities pre-approved by the troop.
What’s new or different about the Scouts BSA uniform?
The Scouts BSA uniform shirt comes in sizes and cuts for women and girls. I recommend getting the boys shirt as it is longer.
New uniform pants for women and girls can be rolled up at the leg to be worn as capri pants. Women and girls can also purchase the current, switchback-style uniform pants that zip off at the knee.
The new shirt is tan and features a BSA fleur-de-lis emblem and the letters “BSA” in red over the right pocket. The existing inventory of tan shirts, with “BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA” in red over the right pocket, will be available until they’re all sold out.
Can I still wear previous-generation uniform pieces?
Yes. With BSA uniforms, the rule is: once official, always official.
Can I mix and match old and new uniform pieces?
Yes. For example, you could wear the new tan Scouts BSA uniform shirt with previous-generation green uniform pants.